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North Antrim Monthly Meeting - Feb
5th February 2015
The next monthly meeting for North Antrim will be on Thursday 5th February at 7:30pm in All Saint's Ballymena.
If you are unable to attend can you please let the North Antrim Secretary Mary Kane know.
Mary Kane
North Antrim GAA Secretary
Mobile: 07927 504925
Email: mary.kane@virgin.net ...
North Antrim Monthly Meeting - March
4th March 2015
The next monthly meeting for North Antrim will be on Wednesday 4th March at 7:30pm in All Saint's Ballymena.
If you are unable to attend can you please let the North Antrim Secretary Mary Kane know.
Mary Kane
North Antrim GAA Secretary
Mobile: 07927 504925
Email: Secretary.north.antrim@gaa.ie ...
Coaching and Development Meeting - March
12th March 2015
The next Coaching and Development Meeting will be held on Thursday 12th March at 8pm in Loughgiel Shamrocks.
Can all clubs please send representation to this meeting. If you are unable to attend can you please let Declan Heggarty know.
1. U8 & U10 Blitzes
a. Silent sideline (no questioning / shouting at ref by officials / parents or pl...
North Antrim Monthly Meeting - April
1st April 2015
The next monthly meeting for North Antrim will be on Wednesday 1st April at 7:30pm in Loughgiel Shamrocks.
If you are unable to attend can you please let the North Antrim Secretary Mary Kane know.
Mary Kane
North Antrim GAA Secretary
Mobile: 07927 504925
Email: Secretary.north.antrim@gaa.ie
Coaching and Development Meeting - April
7th April 2015
The next Coaching and Development Meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th April at 8pm in All Saint's Ballymena.
Can all clubs please send representation to this meeting. If you are unable to attend can you please let Declan Heggarty know.
If anyone wants anything included in the Clar please e-mail the details to declan.heggarty@btinternet.com
Declan Hegga...
North Antrim U10 / U11 Div 1 Kilkenny trip to James Stephens Club
11th April 2015
Outlined below the schedule for the Kilkenny trip to James Stephens Club so please pass this onto the parents.
1. Bus will depart from Loughguile at 7:30am on the Sat 11th April. All lads to be there at 7:15am
2. Bus will collect St Endas lads at the Sandyknoles roundabout at 8:15am
3. Everyone to bring a packed lunch including fruit...
North Antrim Div 2 U10 and U11 School of Excellence Squads
2nd May 2015
Training will take place in Tir na Nog Randalstown on Saturday 2nd May from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. Each club should send 2 players for each age group. Names and preferred positions should be submitted to declan.heggarty@btinternet.com as soon as possible.
Coaching and Development Meeting - May
5th May 2015
The next Coaching and Development Meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th May at 8pm in Loughguile. Please note change of venue.
Can all clubs please send representation to this meeting. If you are unable to attend can you please let Declan Heggarty know.
If anyone wants anything included in the Clar please e-mail the details to declan.heggarty@btinternet.com ...
North Antrim Monthly Meeting - May
7th May 2015
The next monthly meeting for North Antrim will be on Thursday 7th May at 7:30pm in Loughgiel Shamrocks.
If you are unable to attend can you please let the North Antrim Secretary Mary Kane know.
Mary Kane
North Antrim GAA Secretary
Mobile: 07927 504925
Email: Secretary.north.antrim@gaa.ie
North Antrim U12 and U13 School of Excellence Trials
9th May 2015
Trials for all North Antrim and North Antrim affiliated clubs will take place in McQuillans Ballycastle on Saturday 9th May at 11:00am.
Clubs should only send players who they deem are capeable of competing at this level. Names and preferred positions are to be submitted to declan.heggarty@btinternet.com as soon as possible...